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Union Pacific

Medical Absence/Fitness for Duty

To protect the health and safety of its employees, the Company reserves the right to require a medical evaluation for employees when physical or mental conditions warrant.

What Does FFD Include:

  • Return to Work
    Health and Medical review is required for any employee who has been absent from work for 1 year or more.
  • Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA)
    Health and Medical review is required prior to returning to work for any employee who has been placed on a MLOA for 30 days or more.
  • Manager Referral for Fitness for Duty
    Manager Referral for Fitness for Duty is initiated by the employee’s manager to assist in ensuring that employees are able to work safely.

Compliance Guidelines

Fitness for Duty evaluations may be requested when an employee’s supervisor, or Health and Medical staff, becomes aware of medical conditions or behaviors indicating possible physical or mental impairment that could compromise safety.

All evaluations should be coordinated through Health and Medical, which will bear the cost of such exams.

Final determination of an employee’s fitness for duty shall be made by Health and Medical

Contact Information

Health and Medical 1-877-275-8747, option 4

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