Tobacco cessation options/benefits are available to employees through our Wellness partner, WebMD, and your meidcal plan coverage offered through your employment with Union Pacific.
This option is available to both nonagreement and agreement employees at no cost to you. Choose this three-month option to work with a person available via telephone to coach you in your efforts to quit using tobacco. The health coach is available to talk, and provide additional resources, whenever it's most convenient to you.
To enroll with a health coach, please call 1-888-860-3096
If you are covered by a medical plan offered through your employment with Union Pacific, certain tobacco counseling and pharmacological benefits are available at no cost to you, as required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Agreement employees and their spouses covered by the National Plan should refer to the website. They can also contact their individual plan provider at the following numbers for benefit details.
Nonagreement employees covered by the UP Medical Program and agreement employees covered by UP Railroad Employees Health Systems (UPREHS) plan should contact their individual plan provider at the following numbers for benefit details:
If you have further questions, please contact HR Services at (877) 275-8747 (ASK-UPHR)