Insider Threat Program Policy
This policy applies to Union Pacific Railroad employees whom hold a Government Security Clearance as required for their positions within the Company. The Policy directs the creation of an Insider Threat Program and the creation of the Insider Risk Management Group to function as the executive agent of the program.
In compliance with EO 12820, National Industrial Security Program dated 6 January 1993 and the NISPOM Conforming Change #2 (May 18, 2016), the Union Pacific Railroad has established an Insider Threat program to deter, detect, and mitigate insider threats and risks to the Union Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad clients, information, operations, resources and personnel. The Insider Risk Management Group will oversee the Insider Threat Program. The Insider Risk Management Group will be led by an Executive Sponsor (or Executive Sponsor designee) appointed by the Union Pacific Railroad CEO.
Any suspected Insider Threat concerns should be reported to Chad M. Deasy, Director - Homeland Security & Facility Security Officer (FSO) at 402-544-8825 or