Foreign Visitor Notification Policy

Effective September 2011

The Union Pacific Police Department requires advance notice for all foreign nationals visiting Union Pacific property.

A foreign national is an individual who is a citizen of any country other than the United States. Foreign nationals employed by Mexican and Canadian railroads and UPRR contractors who have been e-RailSafe certified are exempt from this policy.

The Union Pacific Police Department is aware that visiting foreign nationals are part of our business operations and will not prevent Union Pacific employees from hosting foreign national visitors on the property. However, on a visit specific evaluation, some sensitive areas may be off limits to the visitors. These sensitive areas may include but are not limited to dispatching centers, executive conference rooms and data processing centers.

Hosting employees should complete the FOREIGN VISITOR NOTIFICATION form (click here for the form) for each visitor with as much information as possible.

Notifications to Union Pacific Police should be made as far in advance as possible with a minimum notification of 7 days.

Additionally all visitors to the UPC and HDC must also be registered in the UP Visitor Registration Request system.

Visitors covered under this policy must be escorted at all times.

Furthermore, pursuant to the UP Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) policy, visits by foreign government officials and/or employees of foreign government owned businesses may involve expenses that require pre-approval. Please request pre approval from the Compliance Group using the following link.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Pre-Approval Form


Questions regarding the Foreign Visitor Notification Policy should be directed to:
Chad M. Deasy
Director - Homeland Security
Union Pacific Railroad Police

Questions regarding the UP Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) policy should be directed to the Compliance Group at