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Union Pacific

10.0 Pre-Employment Tests

10.1 Pre-employment drug testing (49 CFR Part 219.501)

10.1.1 Prior to the first time an applicant performs covered service for Union Pacific, the applicant must undergo testing for drugs.  No railroad may allow an individual to perform service, unless the individual has been administered a test for drugs with a result that did not indicate the misuse of controlled substances.

10.1.2 This requirement applies to final applicants for employment and to employees seeking to transfer for the first time on this railroad from non-covered service to duties involving covered service.

10.2 Refusals

10.2.1 An applicant who refuses to submit to pre-employment testing under this section may not be employed in covered service.  (49 CFR Part 219.505)

10.2.2 An applicant can decline to be tested and pull their application and no record will be kept, unless the refusal occurs after the collection process has begun.  (49 CFR Part 219.501(b))

10.3 Background Check (49 CFR Part 40.25)

10.3.1 Union Pacific will request information from other employers about an employee’s drug and alcohol testing records (49 CFR Part 40.25).

10.3.2 This requirement applies only to employees seeking to begin performing safety-sensitive duties for Union Pacific for the first time (i.e., a new hire, an employee transfers into a safety-sensitive position).  If the employee refuses to provide this written consent, the employee will not be permitted to perform safety-sensitive functions (49 CFR Part 40.25).

10.4 UP Policy

10.4.1 Before the first time applicants perform any service for Union Pacific, they must undergo drug testing, and have a negative result.

10.4.2 Applicants who refuse to take a pre-employment drug test after it has started will not be employed.

10.4.3 Applicants with positive test results will have their application rejected and they will be ineligible to be retested for a period of six months.

10.4.4 Applicants re-applying following a positive pre-employment drug test must present a certificate of rehabilitation from a substance abuse professional.

10.4.5 Applicants that adulterate or provide a substitute sample on a pre-employment test will be banned from reapplying.

10.4.6 Drug and alcohol tests will be given on randomly selected days to all new hire employees within their probationary period.

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