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Union Pacific

12.0 Up Policy On Fitness Evaluation

12.1 General Notice about Drug and Alcohol Tests

12.1.1 Union Pacific employees subject to periodic, return-to-work, job transfer, or follow-up physical examinations under management prerogative, existing collective bargaining agreements, or DOT requirements, may be required to participate in a drug and/or alcohol test as part of a physical or mental fitness examination upon general notice from the Union Pacific or specific notice from the examining physician.

12.1.2 This policy serves as general notice that employees will be tested for drugs and/or alcohol during the physical examination process.

12.2 Job Transfer Examinations

Employees who apply for transfer to a safety-sensitive job which requires a physical examination prior to transfer will have a DOT pre-employment drug test as a part of that examination.  (The FRA requires drug testing of all applicants for transfer into HOS positions, as well as pre-employment testing for HOS positions.  The FMCSA requires drug testing of all applicants who are initially qualifying for a DOT license or reactivating an expired license.)

12.3 Return-to-Work Examinations

Employees who are required by the Company’s medical rules to have an evaluation prior to returning to work will have a drug test as a part of that evaluation.

12.4   “Fitness for Duty” or “For Cause” Examinations

Employees who are required by a supervisor to undergo a “For Cause” exam to ascertain “Fitness for Duty” will have a drug test as a part of the examination process.

12.5 Other Medical Examinations

If in any other required physical or mental fitness examination, or evaluation situation, the examining physician has reason to believe that an employee may be using illegal drugs, or abusing prescription drugs which may have an adverse effect on alertness, coordination, reaction, responses or safety, the physician or their designee should notify the CMO and the CMO will order a drug test.  Any employee providing a urine sample which tests positive for illegal or unauthorized drugs during a required physical examination may, upon the recommendation of the CMO, be medically disqualified from service without pay.  If the test results establish that the employee has failed to follow previous instructions to remain drug free, the employee may be subject to discipline.

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