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Union Pacific


Union Pacific Railroad’s (Union Pacific) Drug and Alcohol Policy is based largely upon the requirements of Title 49 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).  Regulations, requirements, rules, and information from the CFR are incorporated throughout this policy and are printed in a “italic font”.

When elements of this policy differ from the CFR, the Union Pacific policy is shown in a “NOTE” or is shown in a “standard font”.

In the case of a non-Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) test, any reference to a “covered employee” also applies to a non-covered employee.

In the case of a non-FRA test, any reference to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) also applies to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

The use of the term “manager” is a generic reference to a non-agreement employee who controls the work of others, i.e., supervisor or manager.

Nothing in this policy supersedes any Department of Transportation (DOT), FRA, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulation.  If this policy is in conflict with, or inadvertently omits any regulatory requirements, the requirement still remains valid.  The employer or employee remains responsible for compliance.  The principle governing regulations are:

Questions about this policy can be directed to the Union Pacific Drug & Alcohol Testing information help line at (800) 840-3784.


Table of Contents


3.0 - General

4.0 - General Conditions for Chemical Tests

5.0 - Prohibitions 
       (49 CFR Parts 219.101, 219.102, 219.103)

6.0 - Union Pacific Policy on Prohibitions

7.0 - Federal Post-Accident Toxicological Testing

8.0 - FRA Mandatory Testing for Reasonable Suspicion

9.0 - Reasonable Suspicion and Reasonable Cause

10.0 - Pre-Employment Tests

11.0 - Random Alcohol and Drug Testing Programs

12.0 - UP Policy on Fitness Evaluation

13.0 - Sample Collection and Analysis

14.0 - MRO Review 
         (49 CFR Part 40, Subpart G)

15.0 - Split Drug Test Sample

16.0 - Refusals to Permit Testing and Tampering

17.0 - Removal From Service and Discipline

18.0 - Voluntary Referral Policy 
         (49 CFR Part 219.403)

19.0 - Co-Worker Report 
         (49 CFR Part 219.405)

20.0 - Manager Referral

21.0 - One Time Return to Service and Ten-Year Policy

22.0 - Reinstatement Instructions

23.0 - Follow-Up Testing Program

24.0 - Definitions

25.0 - Reservation of Rights

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