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Union Pacific

24.0 Definitions

24.1 As used in this policy:

24.1.1 Controlled substance is defined in 49 CFR Part 219.5.  Controlled substances are:

  • Marijuana
  • Narcotics (such as heroin and codeine)
  • Stimulants (such as cocaine and amphetamines)
  • Depressants (such as barbiturates and minor tranquilizers), and
  • Hallucinogens (such as PCP).

24.1.2 Controlled substances also include:

  • Illicit drugs (Schedule I)
  • Drugs that are required to be distributed only by a medical practitioner’s prescription or other authorization (Schedules II through IV, and some drugs on Schedule V), and
  • Certain prescriptions for which distribution is through documented over-the-counter sales (Schedule V only).

24.1.3 UP Policy

  • Drug means any controlled substance as defined by above and substances that are not intended for human consumption.

24.1.4 Covered employee means a person who performs service subject to the Hours of Service Laws (49 USC 211).  If an employee performs covered service at least once per quarter and is in the random testing program, the employee will be tested upon selection, regardless if the employee is performing covered service that day.  For the purposes of pre-employment testing only, the term “covered employee” includes a person applying to perform covered service.

24.1.5 Co-worker means “another employee” of the railroad, including a working supervisor directly associated with a yard or train crew, such as a conductor or yard foreman, but not including any other railroad supervisor, special agent, or manager.

24.1.6 Drug means any substance (other than alcohol) that has known mind-altering effects on a human subject, specifically including any psychoactive substance and including, but not limited to, controlled substances.

24.1.7 UP Policy

  • ““Major rule violation or triggering event” is defined in the Managing Agreement Professionals for Success (MAPS) policy
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