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Union Pacific

13.0 Sample Collection And Analysis

13.1 Drug Tests

13.1.1 All drug tests required by DOT or Union Pacific will be performed in accordance with the specimen collection and laboratory analysis procedures in 49 CFR Part 40. 

13.1.2 Whether drug testing is performed under DOT or Union Pacific authority, the analysis of samples will be performed by laboratories certified by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

13.1.3 Union Pacific reserves the right to add additional testing to its company drug panel, without notice.

13.1.4 49 CFR 40.193 requires 45 mL of urine for a drug test.  Failure to provide this sample, i.e.: shy bladder, will result in the following actions:

a) After three hours without giving a sample, the employee will be pulled from service and given a form to sign that explains the process they must now follow.  Leaving the site during this three hour period or refusing to make any attempts when requested can result in the test being canceled and ruled a refusal.

b) The employee will be directed to contact Union Pacific’s Medical Department, 800-635-7150, within twenty (24) hours.   If contact is not made, the medical department will attempt to make contact with the employee.  Once contact has been made, the medical department will work with the employee to set up an appointment to be evaluated by a medical practitioner to determine if a legitimate reason can be found for the shy bladder.  This appointment must be scheduled within five (5) days from the date of the test.

c) The MRO will make the final decision after receiving documentation from the medical evaluator.  If the MRO decides the employee had a legitimate reason for the shy bladder the employee will be immediately reinstated.

d) If the MRO determines the test to be a refusal, no legitimate medical explanation found, the employee is subject to discipline up to and including dismissal, and disqualified from any FRA covered service for a period of nine (9) months.

13.1.5 Federal Testing Authority:  Employees that have gone through this process before and have a shy bladder as determined by the MRO must go through this process each time the situation occurs per 49 CFR 40.193.

13.1.6 Union Pacific Authority: Employees that have gone through this process and have a condition that is ruled a shy bladder as determined by the MRO, and is not expected to improve with time or treatment, can be required to participate in alternative testing. 

13.2 Alcohol Tests

13.2.1 All alcohol tests required by DOT or Union Pacific will be performed in accordance with the collection procedures prescribed in 49 CFR Part 40.

13.2.2 All confirmations for alcohol tests will be performed using devices on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s conforming Products List for screening and evidentiary breath testing devices.

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